Friday, May 23, 2008

Yours Is The First Face That I Saw

Wow. What a day. Woke up. Ate breakfast. Blogged. Read...all of a sudden it was 3 p.m. I decided to go running around Margitsziget again, although I didn't have much motivation. I just knew I needed to go again. It was time. I invited mom and we went. Since I ran (jogged really, I am too slow to be classified as a runner...maybe a jogger, at best) and mom walked, I finished sooner, so I ran back to where she was, and walked back with her. Hope that makes sense.

We sat and talked about moving back to BP. I could never do it. I never felt like I fit in. Life here just seems so...unsatisfying. Everyone works to live it seems like. Except for the rich. They don't have to work. Oh, and the politicians who just steal all the money from the people.

As I was running, I saw many interesting things. First, I saw this man searching the ground for cigarette butts that possibly had enough tobacco that they were worth the risk to even possible waste fuel in the lighter. Sad. Margitsziget also has a zoo which I think is really cool to see when one is running/exercising. Also the track is really narrow. I had just finished blowing my nose and this man with a dog was really close apparently. I had my headphones on and couldn't hear shit. I accidentally hit him as I stretched and he turned back around and gave me the dirtiest look anyone has given me in like a week or two. I'm just thinking to myself...dude walk the fuck around me. You're the one with a dog, get over yourself, you can see me from behind bro, quit making faces and walk on the cement for 10 seconds. Geeez. I know I said the weather was nice earlier, but, to make things easy, it was the perfect day to lay on the grass and listen to the Bright Eyes song called "First Day Of My Life." Not the biggest Bright Eyes fan but I like that song.

I met up with some friends today. We were all supposed to meet at 8 p.m. I was going to be like ten minutes early which never happens. So, get this. I get off the tram a stop early, wait for two trams to pass by, and get back on the tram again, to make me ten minutes late. Balla!! About ten people from my 5th grade class were there. They were all together in the same school until 8th grade, and then all dispersed to different schools, kind of like us but after high school. It was crazy. And it was also awkward until they each drank 2 beers and smoked just about a pack of cigarettes. Each. I waited to take the tram back, but realized it wasn't coming because the last one leaves at 11 p.m. and it was already midnight. So, I took the bus back home, which was similar to any e-bus you will take on any given Thursday night from downtown (It's a UT thing..). Drunk people. Everywhere. This one disgusting man was standing in front of me and started sayin stuff about a cute brunette chick sitting in front of him because I had smiled at him earlier. I wanted to hit him so bad, or at least cut him or something. With my attack knife. You know what I'm talking aboot.

The weirdest part of my entire day was where we actually went. When we all met up, we convened at a place close to our old school. When I asked the friend who organized the entire thing where we were going, he said "our school, duh." So, I shrugged thinking he was joking. Well, we went to our old school indeed. It has been turned into a pub. A PUB! What the hell! So, after everyone had a couple drinks, we all went up to our old classrooms. It was phantasmagorical. Later on, some of the literally went up there to get high (and smoked a joint they had actually rolled out in the open at the pub). They went in the teacher's lounge to be specific. I went in there to check it out before all the activities and the sign still remains that reads: "STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN HERE. IF CAUGHT, YOU WILL GET DEMERITS." Ha. Not anymore, suckas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lefényképeznéd a suli-bàrt??

I want to see.