Friday, May 30, 2008

Brokeback: anything of questionable masculinity. -UD

So, the day has come when I begin the storytelling. Since I don't really recall what we did on which day, I will slowly but surely explain all of the things we did, and hopefully include pictures to better explain everything. I will have a separate section on dining and foods for two reasons: I have gained a few kilos which demonstrates the importance of fine dining in Europe and because...we all love food damnit.

So here we go:
These pictures are at Kärtner Ring/surrounding areas. It is a famous site/street in Vienna. There are a bunch of stores, and the buildings on the street rich in history. There are also several restaurants and pastry shops that sell Mozart chocolate and Sacher tortes. Yumm. There is also the Ringstraße which is a circular road surrounding Vienna. The Ringstraße and the planned buildings were intended to be a showcase for imperial grandeur and the glory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. These streets are all majestic with the architecture and history of the buildings dating back to several centuries. The first records of the street date back to the late 1200s so you can imagine...All of these areas connect and looking at the pictures, it is hard to discern one street from the other since they are all so close and similar in appearance.
And Starbucks puts another city over the edge and onto the dark side. Yepp, there were several Starbucks locations in Vienna. We went there once and only once. 1. The service sucks and I should have complained but decided to let it go and 2. after paying 7 Euros for our two drinks we decided local coffee was the way to go. A good call for sure... the value of the USD sucks right now. It was pretty bad in terms of exchanging money...and buying Euros.
Historical/Religious things on the wall of Stephanskirche.
The Stephansplatz is a square at the geographical centre of Vienna. It is named after its most prominent building, the Stephanskirche, Vienna's cathedral and one of the tallest churches in the world which are in the pictures above. The pictures below are of the general area of Stephansplatz.

I found this building particularly interesting. Overall the building seems rather modern, and then there is this winged-looking creature on a corner. I never really found out what it was...And finally, this is a photo of a school. Aren't those students just lucky. I wish my school had magnificent and glorious statues at the entrance, above not even just doors, but gates. GATES. I bet they don't even think about these kinds of things. To them its probably just 4 stupid dudes staring down at you telling you to do your homework, and stay drug-free.

The weather has been really nice. Perfect almost. Vienna is clean and it is beautiful needless to say. Similar to Budapest except there is a lot less graffiti, and dust and what not. In a nutshell, it is CLEAN. People are generally nice too.

I started watching John Adams and I already love it. I also started listening to more Royksopp and its good musack.

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