Thursday, June 5, 2008

Vienna + More

Christ. Live has been busy but supa fun. Here I will begin to talk about Belvedere Palace, and transition into what I have been doing for the past few days along with pictures to help explain. As Wikipedia states, the Belvedere is baroque palace complex built by Prince Eugene of Savoy in the 3rd district of Vienna, south-east of the city centre. After buying the plot of land in 1697 Prince Eugene had a large park created. The Schloss Belvedere began as a suburban entertainment villa: in 1714 work began to erect what is now called the Lower Belvedere, not as a palace but as a garden villa, with an orangerie, and paintings gallery, with suitable living quarters. The architect was Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt, one of the most important architects of the Austrian Baroque, who produced in the complex of buildings his masterwork.

The art exhibit at this museum had some really nice paintings, among which was Klimt of course, with his famous "The Kiss" painting. It was large and it made me feel all warm inside for 1.4 seconds. Umm let's see.
Mozarthaus to the right.
View from inside Mozart's room. Mozart lived there for a while and preformed often as a pianist, and eventually established himself as the best pianist in Vienna. Among other famous works, he wrote The Magic Flute here.

Cool. That was a good dose of Vienna info for this post. Here are some pictures of our little lake-house in Agárd.
Doors and shutters closed because the pictures were taken before we left. There here blow is a classic example of the unhealthy Hungarian diet. This is literally a cube of fat. 100% fat. Does that sound appealing to you? No? Good. I must say that I did not take part in the consumption activities of this piece of "real bacon." You must understand that when I say a cube of fat from now on, this is exactly what I mean. It exists, and the Hungarians eat it.
And finally, some photos of my other grandparent's get away house in Leányfalu.
Okay, so you can't actually see the house. It is behind all the trees. In the back. My grandparents planted a tree for each grandchild. My sister and mine are towards the entrance (which is there the picture is taken from) to the right.
A raspberry from the bush. It tasted good. Just stuck the camera inside the basket of cherries that I picked. I picked them, I swear. See:

Last but certainly NOT the least, here is a picture of a bodobács. It was my favorite bug when I was little.
Its kinda cute...right? This is actually a rare occurence: that a bodobács is found alone. Usually they are attached to each other's asses and are mating in large groups. Basically an insect orgy if you will. The bug is small by the way, its just a close up picture...

So, last night I hung out with some friends, but the night before, my old classmate organized another class reunion. It was really successful. Did I mention elementary class reunion? Yeah, well thats what it was. It was really fun though, and I had a really good time. Here are two pictures:
Unfortunately not everyone could make it, and not everyone who came was in the pictures, as some people just came and left after an hour, while others came pretty late. Everyone was really nice, and it was fun to reconnect. I have had a really nice time hanging out with some of these people over the past two weeks. I can safely say that some of them looked more Texan than me. Also, chivalry doesn't really seem to exist in the same sense that it does in the states. Usually guys don't really let their girl friends (friends that are girls...) walk alone at night. Here its like no big deal, but I doubt the streets of Budapest are safer...there has been a lot of crimes and rapes and murders lately bro, walk me home! Whatevs. I honestly have to be productivo today. Maybe, MAYBE I'll post later. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best of pictures imho: Judy picking cheries.